Thursday, March 1, 2012

Engage me

Thanks to God for this blog, I'm getting better at speaking, sharing with others.  We had the opportunity to celebrate the wedding of our nephew recently.  During that time, it was expressed by someone that the larger group should have made effort to engage the smaller group (sides of the new family) in conversation. 

The word engage struck a cord with me.  I laughed at the notion that it was the responsibility of a "larger" group to engage the smaller group.  This then leads to asking who's responsible for engaging another person?  And of course the application question: do I expect other people to engage me?

I recalled the night before the wedding celebration, I asked for opportunity to be social.  Some in the group thought that was odd, since we (D and I) seem social.  However, after reflection, I agree I'm often friendly, but rarely social.  I'm so happy I asked for prayers on this point so I didn't miss this whole need to engage others.

Back to the application question.  It's not the expect others to engage me, I just struggle with small talk or at least starting small talk with someone else.  Being the first to speak is hard.  Or keeping a conversation going by not dominating the topic and allowing the other person to speak.  And worse, what to do when everyone seems deep in conversation, how do I join?

The word engage reminded me of a church message I listened to when K and I went to church in Aspen, CO while D was in a conference.  It was about how God's people are to engage others.  We are to say hello, acknowledge their existence.

John 4:7 - When a Samaritan woman came to draw water, Jesus said to her, "Will you give me a drink?"

Acts 3:4 Peter looked straight at him, as did John.  Then Peter said, "Look at us!"

These are just two of many examples the Bible has to show that I, as a Christ follower, should reach out to others.  It's not up to them to reach out to me.  This isn't to force myself or my service on them, but to be available.  

So I'm learning some conversation questions:
     -What's God doing in your life?  
          This allows them to either reflect on God
          goodness or confess they don't believe.  
          It's basis point for me to continue the con-

    -How can I pray for you?
          This is better than how are you doing, in 
          that it jumps right to sharing.  The person 
          may say I'm good, but I'll keep at it for this 
          is an area that God wants me to improve 
          upon, being a intercessor for others.

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