Tuesday, April 3, 2012


This word jump out at me while I read 1 Timothy.  In 3:2, temperate is a quality of an overseer.  Then scan on over to the qualities of a deacon wife in 3:11.  Anytime God states qualities of a wife, I take notice, since I am on and want to improve as a wife.

In the same way, their wives are to be women worthy of respect, not malicious talkers but temperate and trustworthy in everything.  1 Timothy 3:11

What does temperate mean?  Merriam-Webster says: not extreme or excess: MILD. Moderate in indulgence of appetite or desire. Moderate in the use of alcoholic beverages.  Having a moderate climate.

OK, the last one didn’t apply to me, but ouch the rest is motivation for change.  An adaption of the line in Father of the Bride movie, “I’ve come from a long line of over reactors.”  How can I become temperate?

Well, just like anything else, I can’t do it on my own.  I’ll mess up when I try to do it on my own.  God drew this out for me for He desires me to be temperate. 

I can go from calm to extreme in about a half a second.  In patience, in rational thinking (which I’m not always good at), I can become temperate.

To be temperate I must submit to God’s desire rather than my own.  My desires are to indulge in food, alcohol and doing my own thing without thought to most people.  Yet God calls for better. 

Cut off excess goes with retrench.  This is a process.  I’ll have to post again on what God is doing to teach me to be a temperate wife.  I sit in awe of how He brings things together.  His plan is revealed in how all things are perfectly woven together.  It may look like a mess on this side of heaven, however in light of eternity, it is a beautiful tapestry of love.

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