Through Him you believe in (adhere to, rely on) God, Who raised Him up from the dead and gave Him honor and glory, so that your faith and hope are [centered and rest] in God. Since by your obedience to the Truth through the [Holy] Spirit you have purified your hearts for the sincere affection of the brethren, [see that you] love one another fervently from a pure heart. 1 Peter 1:21-22
v20 says Jesus was chosen before all time to come. Through Jesus I believe in God.
I love adhere - stick to, have loyalty to. Stick to as Mary did seeing Jesus in the garden - cling to His feet. I adhere to God, His ways.
Rely on - only through His grace can I love and follow Him. Jesus raised from the dead, Jesus has honor and glory now so my faith and hope are focused on God.
What do I need to do to have God at my center?
Where is He not? Show me Lord!
v 22
1. My obedience is only through the Holy Spirit, not on my own.
2. My heart is purified by obedience.
3. A purified heart can have sincere affection for others.
4. My love should be fervent (very hot; glowing; marked by great intensity for feeling).
Lord, help me to purify my heart so I can love fervently. So I can exercise your mercy on others. On this point I have far to go, but You, my Lord, are the only way to get there.