Thursday, November 1, 2012


It's all around.  This year, I've made wiser choices.  This year, I've experienced victory - courteous of my Lord and Savior Jesus.

I'm going strong with my no sweets eating.  I did partake in a few bites randomly when it was part of the experience, but the times are few and far between.  

October is usually a month of anguish for me.  I want to diet - to look good for the holidays, yet the abundance of candy and sweet are to tempting for me.  Look at that sentence, it was all about me.  Last year this time I was deep into eating whatever, not caring for my health.  Needless to say when Christmas came around and God called me to give up sugar, I needed to obey on so many levels - both spiritually and physically.

My experience yesterday.  Kat came home from her travels around the neighborhood.  In her stash:  3 Musketeer bar.  Full size, not one of the bite size (which she had as well).  It struck me that this candy bar is a comfort food for me.  It is part of my earliest memories.  Yes, I remember being 3 years old and asking for this candy bar.  However, I've learned to turn to God for comfort, not food.  What a journey to get there.  I'm not perfect with it yet (ask me about a week before my cycle), but this is great victory and I'm celebrating!  

Other things I did this year:

I didn't buy a big stash in the off chance we would get a lot of visitors.  My rural community could go either way.  I decided that if I ran out, I ran out.  BTW, I didn't run out.  Next, I stuck to non-chocolate candy.  Yes, I know it isn't a favorite with the kids.  My waist line and victory is more important than that.  I knew and acknowledge if I bought our favorites, I would be at a greater risk of "just this once."  Now I'm not.

Yes, victory is wonderful.  I will continue to call on God to help me stand firm on this point.  To help me choose to obedience over my whelms of the day.  God will help you, just ask.  Seek His will.

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