Thursday, December 27, 2012

Year end review

Review the post from January goals. 

Books I plan to read to help me grow:
Parenting Beyond Your Capacity - read, but not as good as I had hoped.
Resolution for Women - only read half, plan to read the next half in the next year.
Guys Like Girls Named Jennie - thought this would be a good book, sorry to say it was not.  Could not make it past the first chapter, so I could have missed stuff.  Didn't like that it was an old book with a new name, I felt slighted on that.
Working It Out - awesome book that helped me see God in new way.
Let's Roll - Didn't get to read, but will move over to next years list.  It is purchased - which is a step closer.

For someone who found it rough to read non-fiction, these books and many other's that I did read has helped me progress reading non-fiction. 

Learn to sew a dress, bean bag chairs, skirt and American Girl clothing.  I made the chair, and AG clothes- who knew the dress would be for AG dolls. 


Finish editing my book and send to agents. - God called me to other things.

Create my own version of drift wood stars found on The Homemade Home via Completely Coastal.  Prepped and no execution, maybe I don't want to make these now...

Learn to make more casseroles like this Creamy Ham and Potato Casserole from Scattered Mom. I’d like to be able to make more freezer meals beyond lasagna so I have more options on those hectic days or to give to a friend in need.  Total fail, casseroles are not my thing.  Will keep trying recipes.

Mostly, I expect 2012 will be a year of Joy. God has delivered me in the past few weeks to not focus on circumstance, to focus on Jesus. In doing that, I have found joy. Putting the smile of faith and the Joy will come.

...Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.” Mark 12:30-31

J-Jesus first

O-Other’s second
Y-Yourself next
This year was full of joy - when I wasn't messing with my own head.  What stood out more than anything is Faithfulness.  God wanted me to display faithfulness in my walk with Him.  He's enabled me to make great strides toward this.  My pastor's words still stick in my head, "Would you go into business with someone who would quit in two weeks?  Would God?" 
Hmmm, I'll have to write more on that again.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Merry Christmas

Spending the week in awe of my Savior.  He humbled Himself and came to earth as a mere infant.  He did not strive to establish equality, but submitted Himself to the will and plans of the Father.  He endured the pain of separation from the Father with the hopes of redeeming all.  Through Christ I have communion with Him.  A humble blessing to remember as I spend time with my little girl and husband this next week.

Joy to you.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

My Big Flaw Part 2

Brothers and sisters, if someone is caught in a sin, you who live by the Spirit should restore that person gently. But watch yourselves, or you also may be tempted.  Galatians 6:1

To elaborate more on the last post, I struggled over being the reason someone was withdrawing from a part of God in her life (not sure the extent).  I cried and mourned for her.  Satan used it to spur doubt over my current calling.  My God has revealed much over the past week.

1.  My comments - unknowingly- were just the straw on the camel's back - it wasn't the sole reason (why flatter myself).  That this sweet lady has other issues He is working in her.

2.  That in my new ministry I may say the wrong thing.  I will undoubtedly fail at some point.  I need to trust Him through the whole process.  I fail when I don't make Him the center.  Trust God for the change in me that He has planned.  Trust for the work He has me to do.

3.  Trust that although the work will be personal, I need His perspective on things.  As God is working on a heart, that heart may rebel and I may be the one who take the second most brunt of it (for God always receives the bigger offense).  I am called to be slow to be offended, quick to forgive and focus on the issue.  Not dwell on the past or what should have been, but to in love get to work with how things are right now.

4.  To know when I fail, I can be the Christ like example.  To be humble, ask for forgiveness and seek to restore the relationship.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

My Big Flaw Part 1

1 Thes 5:23
My brashness is obvious.  I lack that gentle demeanor that listens, understands, that is gently, humbly, conveys God's desire - Biblical advise to other.

I've spoken without tact.  I've been blunt.  I've been mistaken by the assumptions I've made and declared myself right, not allowing any correction to come my way.

And for one called to be a Biblical Counselor, these are major road blocks.  Big flashing signs that say stop, turn back, quit, you were mistaken in your calling.  You are not equipped and it's impossible for you to change.  You've tried before only to fall back into speaking without thinking, barreling ahead to get your way, dismissing everything else just to be able to file away the issue.

Fortunately God is teaching me to be what He sees me as.  Humble, a hearer (not just a listener), gentle and understanding.  These things are me, God has given these things to me.
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