You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. Jer. 29:13
It was verse 11 that I was instructed to look at, but I couldn't help but to read on since verse 11 was so encouraging.
This verse struck to the middle of my heart. I will find God when I seek with my whole heart. What does that mean? God is teaching me. He's shown me other verses that speak on the same thing. God wants us to find Him. He enables us to do so.
So I go boldly into this journey to find out what it means to seek God wholeheartedly. To surrender all of me. To study what is happening when God says "Come, follow Me," and the many ways in which He does:
Delight yourself in the Lord, Diligently seek Me, Allow me to learn from You are just some of the ways.
The journey is moving along - it will have no end until I'm basking in the glow of the Glory of Jesus.
God planned to prosper the Israelites. After the 70 years of exile, God planned to return His people to the land He gave their forefathers. The Israelites were His chosen people, a priesthood that would be a shining light unto the world (Ex 19:3-6.) They didn't keep God's covenant, nor did they observe the Sabbath rest. The seventy years of exile were the Sabbath rest that the Israelites did not observe.
We see God's plan for the Isralites was just a shadow of things to come. The Israelites went their own way, they did not rely on God's grace to keep His commandments. Now, as a follower of Christ, I am woven into His church, a member of His Royal Priesthood (1 Peter 2,) by God's mercy - not by my own doing. All because He choose me to seek Him. What a wonderful gift it is.
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