Friday, December 30, 2011

Stop Wasting Time!

I waste time.  I usually have more trash than good stuff.  I pursue my wants and desires.  I seek out food, TV, computer time to please me.

Selfish, I know.

Fortunately, I know I am not alone in this.  I also have the hope of having more value than trash in my life.  I have proof for that home in the changes that already taken place.  From where I spent very little time on things of value to having some value today.  I used to think of the impossibility of reading the Bible daily.  How BORING!

Yet now I crave reading God’s word.  I long to have Him reveal what it means for me.  This, my friend, is an answered prayer.  I saw no way to change so I asked God to do it, and He did!  He gave me several opportunities for daily study that turned more into a few days a week.  It was a start.  Then He brought me to Bible Study Fellowship and I was prepared to fully take on feasting on the Word.

I had prayed for God’s desire to be my desires.  As simple as it sounds and as often as I have heard it, this only sunk in when the Holy Spirit whispered into my heart.  Pleasing me means I am not pleasing God.  I spend time pursuing what I desire.  It becomes me, me, me.  I must become less so He can become more.

This is part of a series that will show what I desire verses what the Bible teaches on what God desires.

Clutter  - Wife Part 1
Wife Part 2

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