Friday, December 30, 2011

Stop Wasting Time!

I waste time.  I usually have more trash than good stuff.  I pursue my wants and desires.  I seek out food, TV, computer time to please me.

Selfish, I know.

Fortunately, I know I am not alone in this.  I also have the hope of having more value than trash in my life.  I have proof for that home in the changes that already taken place.  From where I spent very little time on things of value to having some value today.  I used to think of the impossibility of reading the Bible daily.  How BORING!

Yet now I crave reading God’s word.  I long to have Him reveal what it means for me.  This, my friend, is an answered prayer.  I saw no way to change so I asked God to do it, and He did!  He gave me several opportunities for daily study that turned more into a few days a week.  It was a start.  Then He brought me to Bible Study Fellowship and I was prepared to fully take on feasting on the Word.

I had prayed for God’s desire to be my desires.  As simple as it sounds and as often as I have heard it, this only sunk in when the Holy Spirit whispered into my heart.  Pleasing me means I am not pleasing God.  I spend time pursuing what I desire.  It becomes me, me, me.  I must become less so He can become more.

This is part of a series that will show what I desire verses what the Bible teaches on what God desires.

Clutter  - Wife Part 1
Wife Part 2

Thursday, December 29, 2011


For by one sacrifice he has made perfect forever those who are being made holy. Hebrews 10:14

Sunday morning, dressed in jeans to later play in the children’s department, I sat in the second row just to the right of the stage.  Our teaching minister spoke this morning.  And as with most messages at church, it was directed personally to me. 

Do I desire what God desires in my life?  I was certain the answer was sometimes.  I sometimes listen.  I want to change that, to listen and obey what He has for me.  I accepted the journey.  Part of that is freeing myself from fear.  To share what God reveals to me and called me to do.  What He leads me to take on in my life.

This is a process.  Sometimes I will be wrong.  Yet God will use my errors to teach me.  It will be another step to being who He sees me as.

I am perfect to God.  While I’m on earth, I am being made holy. 

So I am ALL IN for this adventure.
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